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Who’s on My Student’s Educational Team?

Who's on My Student's Educational Team? is a self-paced teacher training module designed to help team members understand who is involved with students with visual impairments.

This entry is part 5 of 12 in the series Tools to support TVIs: Introduction
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This video is part 4 of an 11-part self-paced training series called Tools to Support You in Having a Student with a Visual Impairment in Your K-6 General Education Classroom.

Each student’s educational team will have different members based on the student’s learning needs. Members specific to your student’s needs related to a visual impairment include the teacher of students with visual impairments and the orientation and mobility specialist. Other team members may include the paraprofessional and therapists. The student’s family members are key members of the educational team. Together all team members can support the student’s learning. 

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Collage of Who's on My Student's Educational Team?

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