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Tools to Support You in Having a Student with a Visual Impairment in Your K-6 General Education Classroom

These self-paced training modules are designed for general education teachers who have a student who is blind or visually impaired in their classroom.

This entry is part 1 of 12 in the series Tools to support TVIs: Introduction
Series NavigationNext: How Do You Use Your Vision? >>

Welcome to “Tools to Support You in Having a Student with a Visual Impairment in Your K-6 General Education Classroom”. This is an on-demand training developed by Dr. Tina Herzberg at the University of South Carolina Upstate and Dr. L. Penny Rosenblum at the University of Arizona. In 2018 Dr. Herzberg received funding to develop this training through an Advanced Support for Innovative Research Excellence (ASPIRE) grant through the University of South Carolina. 

There are 11 videos each ranging in length from 8 to 12 minutes. These videos were recorded on a PC using Zoom. We encourage you to take the 20 question quiz prior to watching any of the videos and then take the same quiz a second time to see how much you learned. You may watch the videos in any order, or only watch a few as needed. 

These videos were originally developed for general education teachers, but are also appropriate for paraprofessionals, therapists, administrators, family members, and others who are seeking knowledge. These videos do not address the needs of students who have additional disabilities. 

In the future, we would like to expand this project and are seeking $50,000 in funding to make our dream a reality. We welcome any resources you can share with us on funding opportunities.

Tina Herzberg
L. Penny Rosenblum


We invite you to take the quiz below to test your knowledge.  Try taking it before watching any of the videos and then again afterwards to see what you have learned.

Screenshot of quiz.

Check your answers with the answer key.

Resource List

Download the 5-page resource list

Screenshot of resource list

Promotional Flyer

Please feel free to download and print the flyer below or send the link to teachers, families, and others who may be interested.

Screenshot of flyer of video course

Collage of Tools to Support You in Having a Student with a Visual Impairment in Your K-6 General Education Classroom


Recommended Citation:

Rosenblum, L. P. & Herzberg, T. S.  (2019) Tools to Support You in Having a Student with a Visual Impairment in Your K-6 General Education Classroom. 

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