Lisha Yochimowitz

Lisha has been a TVI (teacher of the visually impaired) for over 25 years. She has worked in the classroom at Overbrook School for the Blind in Philadelphia. Lisha was an itinerant teacher for 18 years at the Montgomery County IU specializing in early intervention. There she developed a vision classroom for pre-school students while also doing IEPs, FVE, and itinerant work. She has mainstream classroom teaching experience and has a Master’s degree in Education. Lisha specializes in CVI, a brain based visual impairment with accredited training. She is currently a TVI at the MCIU working with students from K-12th grade and is the content manager for Paths to Literacy. Lisha does consulting work and presentations and in her spare time enjoys being with her family and friends, including her new grandson, George. You can also follow her on instagram @brailleandcviteacher

Here are a few of Lisha’s articles:




Spring and Summer