Thank you SO much for joining me! Let me introduce myself!
My name is Dakota Trasser. I am a Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) working with Montgomery County ESC out of Dayton, OH. I got my start in undergrad out of The Ohio State University where I received a dual licensure in early childhood education and intervention for students with VI in 2020. I am currently in my fifth year as an itinerant (traveling) teacher. I have served students in nearly 10 different school districts and I don’t even know how many counties. All I see is the mileage meter going up on my little SUV.
As an educator, I felt myself experiencing burnout at a very rapid pace. I started writing as a
way to keep a finger on the pulse of what was happening in this very small/niche community
that I serve and try to reconnect with the reasons why I entered this field in the first place. In
May of 2024, I started a newsletter titled VI In Mind. It was designed to do just that. Keep VI In
Mind. My hope is that each week/month, my subscribers take away something that allows you
to create more ‘access’ for those who need it. Whether that is your children, your grandfather, or your dentist. Everyone could use a little bit of connection and access.
If you are interested in keeping VI in mind go to: VI In Mind Newsletter