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Activity and strategy

Well That Just Cracks Me Up!

Use egg cartons to give braille students practice identifying dot positions in a braille cell.

Students who are just learning braille have a lot of challenges, namely tactile recognition. They need to be introduced to braille, through the avenue of pre-braille skills. In this easy to make and rather “on the cheap” activity, you can create a braille cell out of a carton of eggs and some round objects like ping pong or golf balls.

  • 12 or 6-egg egg cartons
  • sharp knife
  • golf balls or ping pong balls


  1. Take a standard-sized egg carton that normally holds 12 eggs. Six-egg cartons work just as well.
  2. Open the lid of the egg carton and use a sharp knife to cut the egg carton into 2, six-hole cartons. Amazing! You know have two complete braille cells.
  3. If you are still looking for cheap and inexpensive, or even free, drop by a local golf course and ask the manager if he or she will donate some golf balls. Usually, they will, if you explain the reason you need them.
  4. By turning the half of an egg carton vertically, you now have a complete braille cell, in which you can teach Grade I (uncontracted) and Grade II (contracted) braille. Having multiple egg cartons allows you to create more contractions and even sentences!
egg carton collage

A page in the balloon book with 3 circular balloons an the sentence says, Balloons for "name".

Creating Multi-Sensory Experiences to Promote Literacy

Colored illustration of animals with alphabet letters A, B, C, D
Activity and strategy

Alphabet Objects

Activity and strategy

Ideas for Teaching Tracking and other Tactile Skills