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Activity and strategy

Spiderman-Themed Braille Book

This book was created by a preschool braille student, using tactile illustrations.

This is a book my preschool braille learner and I created together. This student is very creative and comes up with some great stories. The book is about spiderman using yarn to create his “web”.


  • Card Stock, Index Cards or Braille Paper
  • Yarn
  • Elmer’s Glue
  • Brailler
  • Stapler
  • Markers


He is a beginning braille learner, so I had him tell me the story first and I wrote it down.  Then we went through and he decided what words he wanted to write.  He then brailled his chosen words on each page and I wrote the rest of the content of the story in print. We used white yarn to create the pictures for the book.

spider man page 1 -
spider school; when spider man woke up, he went
spiderman page 2 -
coolest; He was the coolest guy in the class.
spiderman page 3 -
shoot webs; No one else could shoot webs as good as him!
Spiderman page 4 -
chuggernaute; When he got off school, he had to fight the chuggernaute.
spiderman Page 5 -
crashed; The chuggernaute was big and he crashed every tower.
spiderman page 6 -
webbed jail; Spiderman webbed his whole body and he threw him in jail! THE END
Spiderman collage
Volkswagen bug braille drawing

Volkswagen Beetle Braille Drawing

A page in the balloon book with 3 circular balloons an the sentence says, Balloons for "name".

Creating Multi-Sensory Experiences to Promote Literacy

Tools for the TVI book on a table.

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