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Lessons and materials

Self-Determination Units with Lesson Plans

This series of lessons is designed to teach self-determination skills to students with visual impairments.

A young woman with albinism running on a track

By Scott Baltisberger and Chrissy Cowan, TSBVI Outreach Consultants

These units and lessons were developed by Chrissy Cowan and Scott Baltisberger to help teachers of students with visual impairments teach students how to understand the cause and effect of their visual impairments, explain their visual impairment to others, and to advocate for appropriate accommodations. These are important self-determination skills for the student, part of the Expanded Core Curriculum .

Following the lessons are a number of forms that may be copied for the student to use in a number of the Unit 2 lessons.

Unit 1:  The Eye and Sight


Unit 2:  Student Toolbox


Materials for Unit 2

Download Units 1 and 2. Word | PDF

See also Unit 5: Assistive Technology and Self-Determination.

Collage of self-determination units
Student cutting out her vision board pictures.

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