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Self Determination is October’s ECC Focus Challenge

As part of a whole series focusing on all nine areas of expanded core curriculum, this month's focus is self determination.

I can't is crossed out and a hand is writing CAN in chalk.

“Self-Determination focuses on the skills that enable students to advocate effectively for
their own needs and goals. Components that are important within self-determination are:
self-knowledge, self-advocacy, empowerment, assertiveness, informed decision making,
problem solving and goal setting, self-directed and self-regulated behavior.”
Allman, Carol B., et al. ECC Essentials: Teaching the Expanded Core Curriculum to Students with Visual Impairments. APH Press, 2014.

I can evaluate my strengths and weaknesses and set a personal goal/make a plan to achieve it 

Know. Understand. Do. 

A framework to guide learning activities 

Know (K): Tends to be binary. Either you know it or you don’t. Examples: Facts & Dates, Definitions, People & Places 

Understand (U): Is a continuum; from novice to advanced. Examples: Big Ideas, Essential Questions, Generalizations. 

Do (D): Show they understand and the application of skills/content.

I Believe in me written in the sky that looks like outer space.

To submit for the monthly ECC Challenge:
Complete this month’s ECC Challenge Worksheet, noting which activities were completed.

The student and teacher will be entered into this month’s raffle!

At home family calendar in English and Spanish!

Learn more about the Monthly ECC Challenge and all areas of ECC.

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