Teaching Beginning Pre-Literacy Skills to Preschool Students with Multiple Disabilities
Tips to teach early literacy skills to young children who are blind, visually impaired, deafblind or who have multiple disabilities
Tips to teach early literacy skills to young children who are blind, visually impaired, deafblind or who have multiple disabilities
The parent of a 6-year-old boy in Slovenia shares ideas to help him develop concepts, as well as functional skills by participating in daily household routines.
Jaime Pack-Adair, MA, cTVI, who is the Director of Early Intervention for FOUNDATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN, writes about creating experiences using a multi-sensory approach for students with multiple disabilities by using real objects, sensory components, with meaningful activities. Vision is a motivating sense.
As spring arrives, students pick a fun craft making computer bugs that touch on science, keyboarding, fine motor skills, and more.
Ideas on what skills a child who is blind or visually impaired should have acquired in order to be ready to learn to read braille
Ideas and resources for adapting books and other literacy materials for students with CVI (Cortical Visual Impairments)
As we prepare for the new school year, here are some helpful tips, tricks, ideas, forms, and links that will help make your school year a big success.
Guidelines to host a professional development workshop on creating tactile books and adapted literacy materials for children with visual impairments
Introduce keywords to beginning braille readers using tactile materials to develop braille literacy skills
These Ideas are designed to encourage children with multiple disabilities Including deafblindness to wear masks and face coverings.