Search Results for "experience books"

265 Results for experience books

Bowling Experience Book

Learn how to create a tactile experience book for children who are blind, deafblind, or who have multiple disabilities.

Braille Books from DK

Review of DK Braille Book Series for young readers who are blind or visually impaired

Hey! Let’s Help Mr. Lobato’s Fish

The objective of this study was to organize a pedagogical sequence for creating personal experience books for children with visual impairment and multiple disabilities. The outcome is to inspire others to use this method of emergent literacy.

Pegboard Books for Early Literacy

Pegboard books are a wonderful early literacy tool using real objects for young children who are blind or visually impaired, as well as learners who with deafblindness or multiple disabilities

Make Your Own Baggie Experience Book

Baggie Experience Books are a great way to help young children or learners with deafblindness or multiple disabilities to make the transition from real objects to beginning literacy.