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Activity and strategy

Rock Painting Spring Craft for Earth Day or Mother’s Day

This hands-on activity is a fun way to celebrate Earth Day or Mother's Day with children with visual impairments, including those with multiple disabilities.

It’s spring and I wanted to do a fun craft project that I could do with the COTA (Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant) I’m working with or with the life skills classes I work with. Looking through ideas online, I decided to do rock painting, using numerous rocks to form “turtles”.


  • Small rocks (for the legs) 
  • Medium/large rocks (for the body & head) 
  • Acrylic paints of various colors
  • Paint brushes
  • Paint palette 
  • Cup of water (for rinsing paint brushes)
  • Tablecloth or something to cover the table work area
  • Shellac clear spray to seal the work 
  • Smocks or work shirts


The students wore paint shirts, which are men’s shirts that they put on backwards to protect the clothes the students are wearing. The students got to pick out their own paintbrushes. Having the tablecloth or butcher paper under the rocks allows the students to take a practice stroke of the paintbrush or to practice their designs. 


My COTA created a 2-page sheet for our students to follow along with directions.

Page 1 of directions
Page 1 of directions

1. Paint body

2. Paint legs

3. Paint head

Page 2 of directions
Page 2 of directions

1. Paint lines on body

2. Paint lines on legs

3. Paint a face on the head

Once we finished with one step of the directions, the student crossed it off. We did page one on the first day and page two on the second.

Crossing off the finished step
Crossing off the finished step

I try to build in as many opportunities as possible for the students during my lessons. Before we started, the students picked out the rocks that they want to use.  I found the rocks online and also had some donated to me.  We could have collected them ourselves, but given time, I decided to purchase them.

Each student had a palette, where they could put different colors of paint in each of the indented spaces.

Palette with bottles of paint, paintbrushes, and finished
Palette with bottles of paint, paintbrushes, and finished “turtle”
A girl squeezes yellow paint into her palette.
A girl squeezes yellow paint into her palette.
A student holds a rock as he paints it.
A student holds a rock as he paints it.

When the students are finished with their painting and the rocks are dry, the rocks are then sprayed with a shellac to seal in the designs. 

Some of the “turtles” will be sent home for Mother’s Day and the extras we made will be given to our administrators as an Earth Day gift. 

Rock “turtle”
Rock “turtle”
Rock “turtle”
Rock “turtle”
Rock painting spring craft for Earth Day or Mother's Day
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