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Teaching Fractions with Appropriate Materials

Teaching fractions starts in preschool and continues into high school years. Creating a strong baseline for success is key. As educators we must provide learning opportunities with appropriate materials for our students with visual impairments.

student with CVI adaptions fractions

Teaching fractions starts in preschool and continues into high school years. Creating a strong baseline for success is key. As educators we must provide learning opportunities with appropriate materials for our students with visual impairments.

No Cost Fraction Materials:

  • Fold and cut paper into pieces with your students, start with a half and then into quarters
  • Use an apple and cut into pieces
  • Use play dough or clay and make pies/circles and long tube and cut together into fractions
  • Use a paper plate and divide it into fractions

For Purchase Fraction Materials:

Magnetic materials are a plus because they stay in place better than just having them placed on a table which can easily be accidently moved.

student with CVI adaptions fractions

For Purchase Fraction Materials:

Magnetic materials are a plus because they stay in place better than just having them placed on a table which can easily be accidentally moved.

Hands-on Fraction Packs for Students are inexpensive, portable packs that easily fit into a desk.

Flip-Over Concept Book – Fractions: Nemeth

Flip-Over Concept Books: FRACTIONS is an interactive print and braille book designed to teach elementary students who are blind and visually impaired about fractions, decimals, and percents.

It is from APH (American Printing House for the Blind) and is Federal Quota eligible.

Free App and Website:

Practice2Master Fractions is a free app from APH (American Printing House for the Blind), which is designed to help students with visual impairments become proficient in fraction calculations. It supplements teachers’ instruction by providing students with an unlimited number of problems to practice.

A free website named Toy Theater has a good fraction practice game for some of our visually impaired students.

While I can’t recommend that all the activities on this website are good for students with CVI and/or low vision, the fractions practice is definitely one that may work for some.

toy theatre fractions
Toy Theatre website fraction activity
Cranmer abacus

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