Updated: January 2024 by Author: Rishab Pradeep
Many math worksheets are not accessible to people who use screen readers. The worksheets found below are accessible to people who use screen readers too. Please note that we will be adding new worksheets on an on-going basis, so be sure to bookmark this page and check back to see what’s new!
Available Worksheets: Please remember to check back as we will be adding more routinely!
Note: The worksheet will always open in a new tab. When done, please close the worksheet tab and navigate back to this page.
The MathJax Menu triggers Assistive Technology (AT) to say “clickable” before each math element. This allows keyboard users to enter the MathJax Menu via the spacebar or menu key. To activate this feature, follow the steps mentioned in the Activate the Accessibility feature when using the math worksheet for the first time.
If you are using these worksheets for the first time, please be sure to read through the instructions.
To save your work so that you can pick up where you left off, or to email your answers to a teacher, do this:
To use the Zoom setting, do the following:
Information retrieved from MathJax.org
Tactile rendering tool enables Nemeth Braille output on a connected braille display.
Information retrieved from MathJax.org
Once you are in the worksheet, do this:
Other commands to keep in mind
Users have shared that the Braille Note Touch Plus works beautifully with these math worksheets! With the BrailleNote Touch Plus, simply go to the website and the Braille Note Touch displays UEB math and users can input UEB math code directly into the textboxes in the worksheets. You do not have to change any settings or do anything extra to make the Braille Note Touch Plus work with the math worksheets.
Note: The older Braille Note Touch (not the Plus) is not compatible as a stand-alone device with these math worksheets. The Braille Note Touch uses Firefox web browser while the Braille Note Touch Plus use Google Chrome.
Here’s a list of essential, advanced and special key combinations to navigate inside the worksheet.
Enter: Activate explorer. Requires math expression to have the focus. Escape Leave exploration mode.
Down: Explore next lower level of the formula by moving down in the sub-expression tree. Exploration will start at the left-most sub-expression on the level.
Up: Move up the sub-expression tree.
Right: Navigate the expression horizontally by moving to the next sub-expression on the current level.
Left: Navigate the expression horizontally by moving to the previous sub-expression on the current level.
An earcon is played as indicator that the boundary of an expression has been reached in either direction.
Tab: Repeat previous speech-text or announcement.
Space: Get positional information; i.e., the current level in the sub-expression tree as well as collapsibility/expandability of the current subexpression.
Enter: Collapse or expand expression under cursor, if possible. Speech-text is regenerated to match.
Home: Navigate directly to top-most level of expression.
X: Summarize the expression under cursor, without collapsing it.
Z: Give detailed description of expression under cursor, without expanding it.
V: Start new virtual cursor from the current position.
P: Go to last position or previous virtual cursor
U: Undo all virtual cursors; i.e.; go to position where first virtual cursor was started.
>: Switch rule sets between MathSpeak and ClearSpeak, if both are available for the current locale.
<: Cycle styles or preferences for the currently active rule sets.
Shift+Down: Move one cell vertically down in the table.
Shift+Up: Move one cell vertically up in thr table.
Shift+Right: Move one cell horizontally right in the table.
Shift+Left: Move one cell horizontally left in the table.
0-9+0-9: Move directly to cell (n,m) if it exists. (0,0) is cell (10,10).
Information retrieved from MathJax.org
Visit Rishab’s website to explore all worksheets.