
Weather Book for Children with CVI

This Weather Book for Children with cortical visual impairment uses clear contrast and minimal visual clutter.

By Rachel Bennett

I have created a number of books using Google Slides for my son with CVI.  This one focuses on the weather, with the sun, clouds, and rain.  It would be appropriate for children in Phase II-III.

Creating the Book

  • I used a black background and minimized the words and images on each page in order to reduce visual complexity.
  • I started with just one simple image, then a word alone, then the yellow word shape, then paired the image with the bubbled word.
  • I used the YouDoodle app to create the yellow bubble words.  Read more about how I did thatNote: It’s important to provide direct instruction on the salient features of words. Presenting bubbled words on their own without any instruction will not help children with CVI learn to recognize and identify the word. Begin with highly motivating words and topics. Learn more about the approach to literacy for children with CVI in Dr. Roman-Lantzy’s new book Cortical Visual Impairment: Advanced Principles.
  • I added a script in the notes section of each slide to ensure that anyone using this book with my child will use the same language and approach.
  • The image of rain is a gif, which includes movement, one of the 10 Characteristics of CVI (Roman-Lantzy). Movement helps children with cortical visual impairment establish and sustain visual attention.
  • The book is presented on an iPad, which allows for back lighting. The need for light is another CVI Characteristic (Roman-Lantzy), which helps children with CVI sustain visual attention and discriminate detail.

Other Ideas to Expand Books

  1. Add a script, so that anyone looking at the book with the child will use the same language. 
  2. Record your voice, so that there is audio output.
  3. Add recordings of thunder and rainfall.
  4. Set up a switch to turn the pages.

Sample Pages of Weather Book

Yellow sun in top left corner on black background
The word
Image of cloud and word
Image of cloud with blue rain and word

View the Google Slides version of the book.

Download a .pdf of the book.

Feel free to use any of the other adapted books I have made!