Nearly any topic lends itself to exploration through various multi-sensory activities. This week the focus is on the family, with examples of ways to engage in tactile, visual, sound, taste, smell, literacy and numeracy activities.
Tactile/visual book to represent each member of the child’s family.
Role play the activity that represents each family member:
Brother – bouncing ball (likes football). Use bright coloured, glittery balls, to roll on child’s table.
Dad: Likes cars: sound of car, play with toy cars.
Mum: Likes clothes: things worn by mum – feel bright coloured, different textured fabrics, and silky, woolly scarves, look in mirror, brush hair, put on chunky necklaces and bracelets.
Pet families – Cats, Dogs, Horses, etc.
Make Duplo house, create home area for role play.
Some of these ideas would also be used in the tactile section also.
Photographs of family members – make photo album
Favorite music played at home
Sound of door bell at home
Sound of family chatting together
Sound of mum and dad or brother and sister saying hello to child