A ‘Lazy Sue’ is a lovely resource which can be used to support children in literacy and numeracy. Make activities to include both sighted and partially sighted children.
The little boy this resource was originally made for loved spacemen. I made him a shiny planet (the Lazy Sue) and added 5 velcro positions to which I added five spaceman. We sang the song about five rocket men going to the moon. The children threw the dice and if they landed on a 6 they could spin the ‘Lazy Sue.’ See the Rocket Man activity.
When it stopped, they would then access the space man in front of them, and explore the number or letter on the space man’s head.
From their own pile of matching space men, they would find the matching number/letter and pop it on top of the space man.
The game would then move on in this way. This could be used with shapes, braille contractions, phonics, addition, subtraction, it could be used for thinking about social skills, matching facial expressions. I have a range of photographs and images I use to show this in the courses I deliver. Also you could use a buzzer in the middle of the Lazy Sue to indicate the next person’s turn, or indicate the answer!
The Lazy Sue in the picture is from IKEA £5.50, but with a multitude of lovely fun inclusive ideas to use with children with visual impairment.
Have fun!
Email gwyn@positiveeye.co.uk