
Free Webinars from National Braille Association

As part of their web-based learning opportunities, the National Braille Association offers shorter length webinars that are free and open to the general public a few times each month.

As part of their web-based learning opportunities, the National Braille Association offers shorter length webinars that are free and open to the general public a few times each month. They publish the schedule of upcoming webinars on otheir blog, as well as information on how to join each session. These free webinars typically last approximately fifteen minutes with additional time for questions and answers.

An archive of the recorded sessions is available to current National Braille Association members. To access it, sign in to your member account, and navigate to the Member’s Section. Here you’ll find a link to the list of available recordings and streamable embedded video of each webinar.

This month’s topics include:

  • Braille Formats/Textbook: Sidebars
  • Music Braille: Instrumental Scores
  • Unified English Braille Literary: Strong Contractions vs. Strong Groupsigns
  • Computer Assisted Transcription: Tables In Duxbury
  • Unified English Braille Technical: Decimals, Including Repeating Decimals

See the listing for September.

Longer paid webinars are also available.