
Author, Parent, Advocate Feather Chelle

I am a single mother of five, living in Texas, along with two grandpuppies and two grandpiggies (guinea pigs). I am totally blind, due to a battle with Retinoblastoma, and enjoy homeschooling with my family.

By Feather Chelle

I am a single mother of five, living in Texas, along with two grandpuppies and two grandpiggies (guinea pigs). I am totally blind, due to a battle with Retinoblastoma, and enjoy homeschooling with my family. I love to teach and have been writing since the first grade, starting out on my grandma’s old typewriter, although my first book was not published until the very end of 2020.

The pandemic forced me to slow down from many activities, and I decided to use some of my newly discovered spare time to focus on publishing some books that I had written throughout the years. To date, I have managed to publish 6 books, and there are almost twenty more books in various stages of production. My goal is to create fun and educational materials that engage children in learning.

The Colors of Darkness

The idea for The Colors of Darkness came to me during Blindness Awareness Month.

When I was searching for activities to do with my Girl Scout troop, I decided to put together an activity book to explore the spectrum of abilities that people possess and to encourage awareness and empathy. I offer a free, printable copy of the entire book to anyone who joins my email list because I would like to make the resource available for as many families and educators as possible.

If you are interested in receiving a copy, along with other educational printables, please send an email with the word, “subscribe,” to:

Invisible Me

invisible me cover

Another project that is dear to my heart is my book titled Invisible Me. My youngest daughter had the misfortune to inherit the genes for Retinoblastoma.

I wrote this book about her journey, although told from her older brother’s perspective. During her battle with cancer, I was so focused upon her treatments and recovery, that I failed to notice the toll that her illness was taking on her siblings. Although I searched for resources to help our family cope, there were none to be found for the siblings of children with terminal or serious illnesses.

Invisible Me was written to try and address this issue. Though it is based on our personal experiences, I decided to only use one of her siblings in the story to simplify things. Thirty percent of the proceeds from this book are donated to several charities that helped us during our time of need.