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Yoga Stories

Yoga Stories and Activities include pretend stories and meditations, as well as asanas (body postures or poses), routines, and mantras (or rhythmic chants)

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Yoga stories for Playing with Words
Series NavigationNext: Affirmation Mantra >>

Yoga Stories and Activities include pretend stories and meditations, as well as asanas (body postures or poses), routines, and mantras (or rhythmic chants).  They are a powerful way to support learning in a wide variety of skill areas, such as improving movement patterns and spatial concepts, social interactions, emotional regulation, and language and literacy skills.

Using some of the basic tenets of yoga, these activities and stories promote breathing, relaxation, and meditation.  They provide a way to connect with others, while also facilitating self-regulation, creativity, and self-expression.

Yoga stories are typically written with others (including peers) and shared together orally as a series of asanas, specific yoga routines, or chanting mantras. The stories can also be written out and “performed” as someone reads the story. The names of the poses often are referred to by animal names (downward dog, butterfly) that inspire children to create a story.

Read more about using yoga to support language and literacy development.

Explore these examples of Yoga Stories with Essential Components:

Click on the links or images below to watch the video examples.

Chalkboard with text
Click to view the video of Affirmation Mantra.
Forest of evergreens
Click to view the video of Forest Meditation.

Purple yoyo
Click to view the video of Yoyo Meditation.
Clip art of person rowing a boat
Click to view video of Row Boat Ride.

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