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Special Collection

What is Playing with Words?

Playing with Words is a collaborative approach to play-based storytelling with students who are blind or visually impaired who have additional disabilities, including those who are autistic or deafblind.

Playing with Words Special Collection text on purple
This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Overview of Playing with Words
Series NavigationNext: Introduction to Playing with Words >>

Playing with Words is a collaborative approach to play-based storytelling with students who are blind or visually impaired who have additional disabilities, including those who are autistic or deafblind.  Co-creating stories is focused on the process, rather than the product.  That is, it focuses on expanding language and communication, self-determination, self-regulation, and creativity rather than a perfectly composed story.  The adult is a support, rather than an authority, building on student interests and using props to expand playful exploration and expression.

Quote from Jerome Bruner

Learn More About Playing with Words

Please take time to view video examples of different types of storytelling:

Webinar: Playing with Words (hosted by TSBVI)

Original webinar date: 6/25/2020

Description: Playing with Words is a collaborative approach to play-based storytelling with students who are blind or visually impaired who have additional disabilities, including those who are autistic or deafblind. Learn about this microsite on Paths to Literacy, which includes student videos, planning and reflection forms, and ideas & resources to implement this technique.

Participants will:

  • Develop an awareness of the Playing with Words approach to storytelling.
  • Increase understanding about the different types of stories.
  • Become familiar with ideas and resources on the microsite
  1. Introduction  23:29
  2. Experience Stories  06:10
  3. Songs & Poems  04:21
  4. Pretend Stories  06:43
  5. Yoga Stories  02:54
  6. Epic Stories  16:23

Download the Flyer!

Playing with Words Flyer
Download the flyer in PDF format.
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