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On the Path to Being an Itinerant with Several School Districts

Tips to get organized as an itinerant teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired

Are you a new itinerant teacher? Do you have genuine fears about what to do next? Step one to success: get organized!
  • A three-ring binder
  • Dividers for each section
  • Pen or Marker
  1. First find out who your students are, what buildings and classrooms they are in and thier daily schedules.
  2. Visit each school building and do not, repeat, do not leave until you have the following:

    • A copy of each student’s schedule (you can often obtain these through PowerSchool or some other on-line program)
    • A copy of the layout of the building
    • A bell schedule for each building, including special days, delay days, etc.
    • A listing of each teacher and contact information, including the specialists in each building (OT/PT, Speech)
    • Make sure you introduce yourself to the principal and other administrators; especially get to know the secretary, if you need to sign in and out.
  3. Obtain user name and password information to log on to the programs you will need or email access you will need for each school. 
  4. Get on each school’s listserv so you know when assessments are given or school events are happening.
  5. Learn how to log on to the program that gives you access to IEPs, and obtain authorization to get access.
  6. Finally, arrange your three-ring binder by:

    • Schools (including bell schedules, student schedules, maps, phone contacts)
    • District maps and locations of buildings
  7. Create separate binders for each student, to include:

    • Current IEP
    • Current eye report
    • Notes back and forth from parents
    • Observations from meeting students
    • Lists created for related services and contact minutes; master schedule for visiting student(s)
  8. Have access to a master calendar for scheduling; mileage logs for reinbursement.
Now breathe slowly! With proper planning ahead of time, you are well on your way to being a successful itinerant teacher!
Variations are anything different from what you planned. Be flexible, takes mistakes as growth experiences.

organization collage




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