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Activity and strategy

O&M and Explanatory Text

Students will utilize proper sentence structure, grammar usage, punctuation, and spelling through this O&M and Explanatory Text.

Students will write an expository paragraph outlining the steps necessary to travel from one place to another. Students will utilize the writing process to plan and develop their paragraph. Students will utilize proper sentence structure, grammar usage, punctuation, and spelling.


  • Brailler
  • Computer
  • Maps
  • O&M journals


  1. Students will choose two destination (Point A and Point B) that they have traveled to and from during an O&M lesson.
  2. Students will brainstorm to determine how to get from Point A to Point B either on foot or by using public transportation and list the steps of their directions in chronological order.
  3. Maps may be used to help determine their route. Suggested maps include – tactile map, auditory map, large print map, O&M map, transit map, city map, GIS/GPS
  4. Students will write a rough draft that incorporates an introduction and a conclusion.
  5. Encourage students to use transitional words and phrases as necessary to help with the flow of the paragraph.
  6. Encourage students to use prepositional phrases and to vary their sentences structures.
  7. Students will check for mistakes in sentence structure, grammar usage, punctuation, and spelling during editing.
  8. Students will submit the final copy of their paragraphs.
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