This designed braille art of a menorah is a fun way to celebrate Hanukkah. This is a smaller version that uses a half page.
Small Menorah PDF
Line 1 : space two times, dots 5&6, dots 1,2,3, space one time, dots 5&6, dots
1,2,3, space one time, dots 5&6, dots 1,2,3, space one time, dots 5&6, dots 1,2,3,
space one time, dots 5&6, dots 1,2,3, space one time, dots 5&6, dots 1,2,3, space
one time, dots 5&6, dots 1,2,3, space one time, dots 5&6, dots 1,2,3, space one
time, dots 5&6, dots 1,2,3.
Line 2 : space two times, S, WH, space one time, S, WH, space one time, S, WH,
space one time, S, WH, space one time, S, WH, space one time, S, WH, space one
time, S, WH, space one time, S, WH, space one time, S, WH.
Line 3 : space two time, WITH, OF, space one time, WITH, OF, space one time,
WITH, OF, space one time, WITH, OF, space one time, WITH, OF, space one time,
WITH, OF, space one time, WITH, OF, space one time, WITH, OF, space one time,
Line 4 : space two time, FOR two times, space, FOR two times, space, FOR two
times, space, FOR two times, space, FOR two times, space, FOR two times, space,
FOR two times, space, FOR two times, space, FOR two times.
Line 5 : space two time, FOR two times, space, FOR two times, space, FOR two
times, space, FOR two times, space, FOR two times, space, FOR two times, space,
FOR two times, space, FOR two times, space, FOR two times.
Line 6 : space two times, D, FOR, space one time, GG two times, space one time,
GG two times, space one time, GG two times, space one time, GG two times,
space one time, GG two times, space one time, GG two times, space one time, GG
two times, space one time, FOR, F.
Line 7 : Space three times, D, G 22 times, F
Line 8 : Space four times, D, GG 20 times, F
Line 9 : Space 14 times, FOR two times
Line 10 : Space 14 times, FOR two times
Line 11 : Space 14 times, FOR two times
Line 12 : Space 14 times, FOR two times
Line 13: Space eight times, FOR 14 times