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Lesson 1: Nemeth in a Box for Middle School Students

Lesson 1 of Nemeth in a Box

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Project INSPIRE: Nemeth in a box for middle school students
Series Navigation<< Previous: Nemeth in a Box for Middle School Students: IntroductionNext: Lesson 2: Nemeth in a Box for Middle School Students >>

By Tina HerzbergSara LarkinSusan Osterhaus, and Penny Rosenblum

Welcome to Lesson 1! We know your student is going to enjoy the activities in this lesson.

What the Student Needs:

The student needs to have a braille copy of the Lesson 1 file and a braillewriter or notetaker to record their answers. 

If you are using Duxbury to prepare the student files, before opening any BRF files in Duxbury, go into the Global menu. Select “Formatted Braille Importer” and then check the box for “Read formatted braille without interpretation” at the top of the window. This will ensure that nothing is changed when opening the BRF files. This handout walks you through the steps.

What the Facilitator Needs:

The facilitator needs the Facilitator Guide for Lesson 1

Using Lesson 1 with the Student:

We recommend that before you begin Lesson 1 you watch the video of how to conduct “Which One Doesn’t Belong?” prepared by Sara Larkin.

Video of “Which One Doesn’t Belong?”

Download the transcript

Download the slides

Cover slide of Which One Does Not Belong?

Questions, Comments, or Materials You Create:

If you have questions or comments, please email Dr. Tina Herzberg at The Project INSPIRE Team is happy to consider sharing materials you create that expand on the content in Lesson 1. Please send your materials to Dr. Herzberg for consideration. 

Tips and guides

Transformations, Line Symmetry, and Tessellations

APH Braille Ruler
Tips and guides

Linear Measure, Perimeter, and Area

Geometric construction
Tips and guides

Geometric Constructions