A few years ago, I was teaching a fully blind student who was interested and motivated to learn to play an instrument. I began working with the building’s music teacher, and the student started to pick up the concepts and play the keyboard almost immediately. Though she was able to listen to a piece of music and play some of it back, it was important for her, and advocated by her, to have the notes in front of her or to preview and review before and after. The student picked up music braille faster than I could, and with NO music background, I struggled to keep up and transcribe the music she wanted and was ready to play.
I saw an advertisement for a spinning circle of fifths wheel and a light bulb went off! I shared my idea with a close friend who helped me begin sketching ideas of how to create the same concept but with the music braille notes. After a few rough drafts, the basic concept of the Music Braille Wheel came to life! I made a copy for myself and one for the music teacher working with my student. That way, the music teacher could refer to the braille without me needing to be there, or them needing to know braille. Using the tool, I could quickly transcribe her music scores as I learned more and more about music and the music braille code.
Once I had a solid version, I posted it on a TVI Facebook group and got over 400 likes and comments from people who needed a tool like this! I submitted my idea to APH, which was accepted as a new product. I am so excited to bring access to the music braille code to more students, TVIs, and families! Happy Music Brailling!

The Music Braille Wheel from American Printing House for the Blind (APH) is the perfect resource for any student, instructor, or parent, who is not familiar with the music braille code. The wheel allows users to quickly identify music braille notes and their print counterpart by spinning the Music Braille Wheel. Each music braille note can be referenced by adjusting the top portion of the wheel. It is backed with a non-slip material so that it stays firmly in place when being used on any flat surface.
- Quick reference for teachers who do not know the music braille code
- Assists students with music-related lessons
- Allows parents to follow along with homework and lessons
- Federal Quota Eligible
- Music Braille Wheel
- Quick Reference Sheet
- User Guide
Click here to purchase a Music Braille Wheel and for more information.

Music braille code