These games are designed to teach beginning coin skills: counting money, identifying money, making change. They can be used with three players, but I mostly see this working with a student and a teacher. Each player gets 4 egg section cups. There are dividers between sections.
Game 1: “Little Shop Around The Corner “
Items needed: Assorted coins, assorted small toys/items to purchase
Players: 1 – 3
Each player receives an assortment of varied coins. Sort pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters into the 4 sections belonging to each player. Beginner players start with only pennies and/or nickels. Add small toys to center. Player one purchases an item from the center. Player two or three establishes the price. Player one can give exact change.
** Advanced version: Players can purchase items for higher prices and learn to make change.
Game 2: “Money Grab”
Items needed: APH Score Cards and assorted coins
Place a number of coins in the center. Each player grabs one handful of coins. Players sort pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters into their 4 egg sections. Beginner players can count the number of coins. Player with the most coins wins and adds a point on their score card.
** For advanced version: Players can add the “value” of the coins. Player with the highest value wins the round and adds a point to their score card.
Game 3: “Match the Dice”
Items needed: 2 dice, assorted coins
Each player receives an assortment of coins. Players sort their coins into their 4 cups. Roll a single die for beginner players. Player must match the number on the die with the correct coin value and place in the center. (ie. Die shows a 5, player places a nickel in the center to match it). If correct, player gets to keep the coin(s) in the center.
** For advanced version, use two dice and add the numbers together. Use a greater assortment of coins.
Game 4: “Even Steven”
Items needed: Assorted coins
Each player receives an assortment of coins. Players sort their coins into their 4 cups. Player one places a coin in the center. For beginner players, player two must match it coin for coin. (ie. A nickel is placed in the center by player one, player two places a nickel in the center). If correct, player two may keep all the coins in the center. If incorrect, all coins go back to player one.
** For advanced version, player two must show equivalent coins. (ie. Player one places one quarter in the middle, player two can match it with 5 nickels).
Game 5: “Tit for Tat”
Items needed: Assorted coins, enclosed game cards for beginner and advanced play. (Advanced play cards have a line of dots across the top of card.)
Each player receives an assortment of coins. Players sort their coins into their 4 cups. Cards are stacked in the center face down. First player draws a card, reads the instructions and counts out the coins needed to equal the amount and number of coins indicated on the card. If correct, player keeps the coins. If incorrect, the coins stay in the center for the next player to keep if he/she answers their card correctly. Coins pile up in the center until someone gets the correct answer.
Game 6: Mystery Coins
Items needed: Assorted coins and the tin box.
This game is a variation on Game 5. Each player receives an assortment of coins. Players sort their coins into their 4 cups. Player one will place a variety of coins in the tin box and announce the total value and number of coins (ie. 35 cents; 8 coins). Hand the box to the student (or other player) who guesses which exact coins are in the box. When he or she states the answer (in this example, it is 3 dimes and 5 pennies), he or she counts the actual coins for verification.
More Ideas:
Use the cup sections for sorting items other than coins; beads, beans, paper clips, etc.
Going around the circle, make repeating patterns; one penny, three nickels, one penny, three nickels, etc.
Make simple addition and subtraction problems using coins.
Dividing coins between the cups with any left-overs going in the middle section. Ie. Place 10 coins in the center and have student divide them between three people. There will be one left over to place in the middle.