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Letter Board to Make Visual Literacy Activities Accessible

Make visual literacy accessible to students who are blind or visually impaired with a braille and large print letter board.

When teachers are writing letters and words on a white board or other source, this is a tool that I created so my students who are blind can stay engaged in this visual activity.  You can easily create one and use it for your learners who are blind or adapt it for a student who has low vision. 

I used consonants for the squares (and right cut them as our field’s standard procedure) and used vowels for the circles.  Please see how I organized the board.  You can use large print letters as an adaptation for learners who have low vision. Now teachers, paraprofessionals and other individuals who may not know braille, can keep a student engaged in a meaningful way during a visual literacy activity.  

Vowels with print and braille on round circles
Vowels with print and braille on round circles
Consonant board with braille and print
Consonant board with braille and print
Collage of making visual literacy accessible
Coffee hour with TSBVI with coffee photo and a person working on a computer.

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