Building Foundations Learning Center


More on Deafblind
Student with grandparent touching a fish in water on a lap tray

Hey! Let’s Help Mr. Lobato’s Fish

shiny fabric on a bar

A Little Breakthrough with this TVI’s Student Who has Complex Needs Including CVI

Weaving on a large loom machine.

The Daily Workload for the Academic Student Who is Deafblind

Emergent literacy

More on Emergent literacy
Two girls in shadow sitting at sunset holding hands into a heart shape.
Activity and strategy

Meet February

Student with grandparent touching a fish in water on a lap tray
Emergent literacy

Hey! Let’s Help Mr. Lobato’s Fish

CVI Book Nook logo with a heart and wings
Emergent literacy

Discover FREE Literary Gems from the CVI Book Nook

Early childhood

More on Early childhood
Two girls in shadow sitting at sunset holding hands into a heart shape.
Activity and strategy

Meet February

student painting a wooden snowflake
Activity and strategy


Coffee hour with TSBVI with coffee photo and a person working on a computer.

Find the Latest Offerings through TSBVI

Austin with his brailler

Building Literacy Through the Senses

Baby Caroline looking at the golden pinwheel.

Caroline’s Golden Pinwheel Gift

CVI Book Nook logo with a heart and wings

Discover FREE Literary Gems from the CVI Book Nook

Explore our extensive learning resources

Browse and filter through all our learning resources covering all areas of literacy from a basic overview of literacy to various stages of development and special challenges, as well as an exploration of different media (print, braille, auditory strategies).

A woman and child are working on a tactile activity together.