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Activity and strategy

“Just for Fun” Braille Designs

Find out what size paper you need to make braille designs.

Two doves braille drawings

Please note that we are in the process of updating all of our braille designs to UEB.  We need help from the field to make this happen, so please contact us if you’re interested!

I am a braille transcriber and I have been creating and sharing braille designs for many years.  I design the patterns just for fun and share them freely here.

People sometimes ask about the size of the braille paper that is required to make these braille drawings.  I have created this chart to guide people who wish to try making these braille designs.

For reference, 29 braille cells are accommodated on an 8 ½ X 11 braille paper, while 40 cells are accommodated on an 11 X 11 braille paper. Colored large paper can be purchased where scrapbooking supplies are sold.

All patterns were developed on a 40 cell width paper. The used cells may be reduced by subtracting the number of unused cells at the beginning of each row. I have noted the amount to be subtracted on the designs which can accommodate 29 cells on the instructions.

Note: Some shorter designs may be accommodated on 8 ½ X 11 if the paper can be turned landscape (sideways) in the brailler. The 8 ½” paper accommodates 17 rows. An example of this accommodation is the bat.

Braille design instructions


Just for Fun Design

 Used Cells

29 Cell Adjustment: Small Paper

29 cell adjustment:
Subtract 3 spaces at the beginning of each row
Apple24None needed
Bat3729 cell adjustment: Landscape on short paper
Bird18None needed
Birthday Cake30
29 cell adjustment:
Subtract 2 spaces at the beginning of each row
Eliminate last cell on row 15
(Alternant method- Landscape paper)
Birthday Cake Slice12None needed
29 cell adjustment:
Landscape on short paper – Tight fit
12None needed
Candy Canes (Double)22None needed
Christmas Tree28None needed
Computer39Cannot be accommodated
Darth Vader40Cannot be accommodated
Dinosaur (T-Rex)26None needed
Dragon38Cannot be accommodated
32Cannot be accommodated
Duck on Pond40
29 cell adjustment:
Eliminate last cells on last row
Easter Basket with eggs30
29 cell adjustment:
Subtract 3 of beginning spaces on each row;
Row 3: eliminate 1 of the first “g”s;
Rows 4-15: eliminate one space in middle of each row;
Rows16-23 subtract one full cell from each row
Easter Eggs12None needed
29 cell adjustment:
Subtract 4 spaces at the beginning of each row;
Eliminate last cell on row 7;
Eliminate last 2 cells on rows 8 & 9
     (removes ball on hat)
Flower in a pot18None needed
24None needed
29 cell adjustment:
Landscape on short paper – Tight fit
Menorah40Cannot be accommodated
Pie (This is done sideways and then turned.)13None needed
Pirate Ship39
29 cell adjustment:
Landscape on short paper – Tight fit if you eliminate the first 4 rows
Pot of Gold37
29 cell adjustment:
Subtract 3 spaces at the beginning of each row;
Eliminate end of row 16: make  “with”, make 2 full cells, make “of”;
Eliminate end of row 17: , make “er”, make 2 full cells, make “q”, Space 1 time, make “with”, make 2 full cells, make “of”;
Eliminate end of row 18: make “er”, make 2 full cells, make “q”,
Eliminate end of row 19: make  “with”, make 2 full cells, make “of”;
Eliminate rows 20 & 21
     (removes all but one fallen coin)
29 cell adjustment:
Landscape on short paper – Tight fit
Pumpkin – Small29None needed
Santa35Cannot be accommodated
29 cell adjustment:
Subtract 4 spaces at the beginning of each row;
Eliminate row 13;
Eliminate any extra ending cells that do not fit
(Not as nice looking, but good enough)
Shamrock24None needed
Smilie Face17None needed
Snowman40Cannot be accommodated
29 cell adjustment:
Landscape on short paper
Star of David34Cannot be accommodated
Tow Truck24None needed
Treasure Chest38
29 cell adjustment:
Landscape on short paper
29 cell adjustment:
Landscape on short paper
Turkey for Dinner36Cannot be accommodated
Turkey37Cannot be accommodated
Two Doves22None needed
Witch37Cannot be accommodated
29 cell adjustment:
Landscape on short paper

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