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Joke Book: Summer Reading Practice

Joke books are a fun and motivating way for braille students to maintain their skills over the summer holidays.

Summers can be a great review time for our students if we plan it right. Summer journals have been one way I’ve used the summer to help review the braille the student has learned to this point. Having the student help come up with the topics is a great motivator as well. 

But what about reading? I’ve sent books home in the past to review braille learned, but the stories I wrote were not as “captivating” as they could have been. This year, I’m sending home a joke book with one student. She has just begun telling jokes and I thought this would be a fun way for her to learn a few jokes while she practiced her reading. I’ve observed in the past if the brailled materials are in her interest area she is more apt to want to read it. Her focus is also maintained longer. 

Joke Book

Duck joke

Q:  What’s a crazy duck?

A:  A wacky quacky

Minnie's joke book
Minnie’s Joke Book


  • Invite students to write their own jokes.
  • Students can ask friends and family members to share their favorite jokes to add to the collection.
Collage of Maintain Braille Skills this summer with a Joke Book
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