Braille art is a fun way to promote braille literacy and motivate students who are blind or visually impaired.
See below for instructions to create flowers in a jar using braille.
Line 1: Space 19, s, c 2 times, wh
Line 2: Space 9, s, c 2 times, wh, space 4 times, s, c, wh, exclamation mark, period, s, c, wh
Line 3: Space 7 times, s, c, wh, exclamation mark, period, s, c, wh, space 2 times, gh, hyphen, ar, h, j, gh, hyphen, ar
Line 4: Space 7 times, gh, hyphen, ar, h, j, gh, hyphen, ar, space 4 times, gh, hyphen 2 times, ar
Line 5: Space 9 times, gh, hyphen 2 times, ar, space 7 times, st, space 3 times, s, c 2 times, wh
Line 6: Space 11 times, ch, space 3 times, s, c 2 times, wh, space, I, space, s, c, wh, exclamation mark, period, s, c, whi
Line 7: Space 6 times, s, c 2 times, wh, space 2 times, I, s, c, wh, exclamation mark, period, s, c, wh, space, gh, hyphen, ar, h, j, gh, hyphen, ar
Line 8: Space 4 times, s, c, wh, exclamation mark, period, s, c, wh, I, gh, hyphen, ar, h, j, gh, hyphen, ar, space 3 times, gh, hyphen 2 times, ar
Line 9: Space 4 times, gh, hyphen, ar, h, j, gh, hyphen, ar, I, space 2 times, gh, hyphen 2 times, ar, space, I, space 3 times, st
Line 10: Space 6 times, gh, hyphen 2 times, ar, space 2 times, I, space 4 times, I, space 2 times, I, space 2 times, st
Line 11: Space 8 times, ch, space 3 times, ch, space 4 times, I, space 2 times, I, space 2 times, I
Line 12: Space 8 times, and, x 15 times, y
Line 13: Repeat line 12
Line 14: Space 7 times, s, space 17 times, wh
Line 15: Space 7 times, I, space 17 times, dots 456
Line 16: Repeat line 15
Line 17: Space 7 times, I, space 6 times, capital indicator, f, I, ow, er, s, space 5 times, dots 456
Lines 18-22: Repeat Line 15
Line 23: Space 7 times, gh, hyphen 17 times, ar