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Activity and strategy

Easter Egg Hunts for Children with Multiple Disabilities

Ideas to create an Easter egg hunt for children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities

Sometimes finding alternatives to typical family activities during a holiday can be a challenge. For example, an Easter egg hunt can be difficult to plan for a child who is visually impaired and confined to a wheelchair with limited hand/arm movement. In addition, if the child doesn’t eat candy or perhaps anything by mouth, it’s time to get creative!


  • First I used hot glue to secure outdoor fake grass to a cookie sheet that I bought at a dollar store.
  • I grabbed some eggs that would contrast well with the green grass to fill.
  • Next, I went digging through my bins at home for items to put in the eggs. I used beads, puzzle pieces, bells, and jewels. The options here are limitless.
Plastic Easter eggs with beads and small toys inside on an astroturf background
Plastic Easter eggs with beads and small toys inside on an astroturf background
  • Once I put some items in, I closed and shook the eggs to hear the sound that they make. I originally planned to use buttons instead of the puzzle pieces, but it had the same sound as the jewels. I wanted 4 different sounds.
  • I then reopened all the eggs and used clear Gorilla glue on the edges of all the eggs to seal shut. I used an old thin paint brush to help spread the glue around all the edges…being very careful not to get any glue inside the egg.
  • I closed the eggs and then used a disinfectant wipe to clean off any extra glue. Then the eggs will sit for 24 hours to properly seal.
Gorilla glue and wipes to clean off edges of the eggs
Gorilla glue and disinfectant wipes to clean off edges of the eggs


My goal is to have the students look for the eggs on the tray either visually or tactually, depending on their preferred mode. I can give auditory cues by shaking an egg, or they can search for the eggs independently. I plan to use 1 to 2 eggs at a time properly spaced apart to aid in the search. The number of eggs used depends on the student’s abilities. I’ve done something similar where the student knocked the egg from the tray into an Easter basket. 

Plastic Easter eggs on astroturf
Plastic Easter eggs on astroturf

THE CHILD SHOULD BE SUPERVISED AT ALL TIMES with this activity. Because the eggs are glued shut, there is always the possibility of the eggs popping open that could create a choking hazard. 


Light-up Easter Eggs from Amazon
Light-up Easter Eggs from Amazon
  • Beeping or talking eggs
  • Oversized eggs
  • Different items can be put in the eggs. I put coins in several eggs for one student who is almost 3 years old, as he doesn’t eat candy. The coins can be something he finds and then later put in his piggy bank.


  • Clean the eggs before and after the glue is dry to remove any glue residue.
  • Check the integrity of the eggs prior to use.
  • Always supervise the child.
  • Have fun!
Collage of Easter Egg Hunts for Children with Multiple Disabilities
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