Perky Duck is a freeware program that allows your computer keyboard to emulate a braille writer.
- Dots for Families
- What I Shared with a Parent who Didn’t Know Where to Start
- Making Books Meaningful and Motivational
- Introduction to Braille Writing
- Portable Note Taking Devices
- Slate and Stylus
- Braille Embossers
- Braille Lessons in UEB
- How to Download and Use Perky Duck
- Families Learning Braille
- Technology for Children who are Visually Impaired
- Categories of Assistive Technology
- Selecting Computer Software
- Who’s Who in Braille
- The Story of Louis Braille
- Stories of Braille Users
- Anna’s Story
- Haylee’s Story
- An Update on Dots for Families and Stories of Braille Users
- Developing Children’s Braille and Literacy Skills
- Organizations and Companies