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Cow Braille Art Drawing

MOOO! Practice braille skills with students using this cow braille art drawing. Braille art is always a big motivator for practicing.

Image of the completed cow face using braille dots.

Line 1: space 8 times, was, ?, space 10 times, was, ?
Line 2: space 7 times, ar, 2 full cells, gh, space 8 times, ar, 2 full cells, gh,
Line 3: space 6 times, 456, 4 full cells, l, space 6 times, 456, 4 full cells, l
Line 4: space 2 times, was, were, were, ?, number sign, 4 full cells, v, 6 hyphens, number sign, 4 full cells, v, was, were, were, ?
Line 5: space 1 time, with, p, 4 ‘c’, th, 14 full cells, p, 4 ‘c’, th, of
Line 6: space 1 time, er, gh, 4 hyphen, ar, 2 full cells, space 10 times, 2 full cells, gh, 4 hyphen, ar, q
Line 7: space 2 times, dot 4, d, 3 ‘g’, f, er, full cell, space 2 times, 2 full cells, space 2 times, 2 full cells, space 2 times, full cell, q, d, 3 ‘g’, f, a
Line 8: space 9 times, full cell, space 10 times, full cell
Line 9: space 9 times, full cell, 10 ‘were’, full cell
Line 10: space 8 times, with, full cell, q, 8 ‘c’, er, full cell, of
Line 11: space 7 times, with, full cell, p, space 10 times, th, full cell, of
Line 12: space 7 times, er, full cell, l, space, 45, full cell, b, space 2 times, 45, full cell, b, space, 456, full cell, q
Line 13: space 8 times, er, of, were, hyphen, space 6 times, hyphen, were, with, q
Line 14: space 9 times, th, of, 8 ‘were’, with, p
Line 15: space 11 times, 8 g

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