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Braille Letter Songs

A TVI who has a Pre-K classroom for students with visual impairments created these songs with videos to help her students learn the braille alphabet.

Braille letter songs

Diana Garcia-Mejia is a TVI (Teacher of the Visually Impaired) and has a Pre-K classroom for students with visual impairments. She created these motivating songs to help students learn their braille alphabet.

All of the videos were created with accessibility in mind. They feature Diana in a black shirt and have white closed captions shown on top. The Instagram reels of her songs include written descriptions of her movements in the captions

They have been helpful to students, staff members, and parents trying to learn braille. Music is a powerful learning tool, especially for students who have traumatic brain injury. 

Lyrics to All Songs

A to the tune of Did You Ever See a Lassie?

Have you ever seen a letter A, a letter A, a letter A?

Have you ever seen a letter A?

Its dot is just one.

B to the tune of Ghostbusters

When there’s something strange in your neighborhood



When a letter has dots 1 and 2



C to the tune of If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you’re C and you know it clap your hands

If you’re C and you know it clap your hands

If you’re C and you know it, 1 and 4 will surely show it

If you’re C and you know it clap your hands

D to the tune of Jingle Bells

1 4 5, 1 4 5 

Are the dots D

Oh what fun it is to write

This letter is a dream

E to the tune of This is the Way

This is the way we write an E, 

write an E, write an E, 

This is the way we write an E,

early in the morning

1 and 5 are dots for E, dots for E, dots for E,

1 and 5 are dots for E,

early in the morning

f letter with dots 1,2, 4

F to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little F

Of the letters you are the best 

Your dots are just 1 2 4

The first letter I adore

Twinkle, twinkle, little F

Of the letters you are the best

G to the tune of Rubber Ducky

Letter G, you’re the one

You make braille time lots of fun

Letter G you’re the cutest letter I know

Boh doh doh e o

Letter G you’re so cool

You make braille time great in school

1245 is all of the dots that you need! 

Boh doh doh e o

H to the tune of The Ants Go Marching

The H goes marching 1 2 5, hurrah, hurrah!

The H goes marching 1 2 5, hurrah, hurrah!

The H goes marching 1 2 5, and these few dots we must hold high

And the H goes marching down to the ground

I (original tune)

2 and a 4, 

2 and a 4, 

2 and a 4, it’s the dots for I!

J to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus

The dots on the J are 2, 4, 5

2, 4, 5

2, 4, 5

The dots on the J are 2, 4, 5

Jump high to say the dots! 

2! 4! 5! 

K to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row row row your K

Gently down the stream

Merrily merrily merrily merrily

Keep dots 1 and 3 

L to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb 

Lucy had a little “L”, little “L”, little “L”

Lucy had a little “L” 

Its dots were 1, 2, 3

m letter with dots 1, 3 , 4, 6

M to the tune of Do You Know the Muffin Man?

Do you know the dots for M? 

The dots for M? The dots for M?

Do you know the dots for M?

Make dots 1 3 4.

N to the tune of Frozen’s Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Do you want to build a letter N?

You’ll need 1 3 4 5

I love to write the letter N

It’s my best friend

It’s in the big night sky

N is my best buddy

So here it is

What do we need to write? 

Do you want to build a letter N?

You’ll need 1 3 4 5

O to the tune of This Old Man

This Old O, its are dots are here

It played knick-knack on my ear

With a 1 3 5 

We are finished writing O 

This Old O is all I know

P to the tune of Pat A Cake

Pat a P, Pat a P, 

Baker’s pan

Bake me a P as fast as you can

Pat it, and roll it, and mark it 123

Don’t forget 4 it’s the last dot that ya need

Q to the tune of Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Old MacDonald had a Q- 12345!

And on that Q he had a quick shoe- 12345!

With a stomp, stomp, here and a stomp, stomp, there

Here a stomp, there a stomp, everywhere a stomp stomp 

Old MacDonald had a Q- 12345!

R to the tune of Are You Sleeping, Brother John?

Are you writing, are you writing, 

letter R? Letter R?

The dots are 1235

The dots are 1235 

These dots rock

These dots rock

S to the tune of The Itsy Bitsy Spider

The itsy bitsy letter S went up the water spout (whisper and do motions of spider crawling up)


Out came the sun and it helped us write an S (whisper and hands over head to form a sun) 


T to the tune of Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Tell me how to write letter T, 

Tell me what are the dots,

I heard the dots are 2 3 4 5

Let’s go race to the top! 

U to the tune of You Are My Sunshine

You are my letter U, You are my letter U, 

You make me happy, and cheer me up

You’ll never know U

How much I love U

Your dots are 1 3 and 6 

V to the tune of Baby Shark

Very V

1236 oh yeah

Very V

1236 oh yeah

Very V

1236 oh yeah

Very V!

W to the tune of I’ve Been Working on the Railroad

I’ve been working on W,

All the live, long day.

I’ve been working on W,

Just to pass the time away

Can’t you hear the whistle blowing?                                                                              

Rise up so early in the morn

Can’t you hear the captain shouting?

2, 4, 5, 6, horn! 


X to the tune of Hush Little Baby

Hush little X

Let’s whisper your dots

1 3 4 6 

You look like a box

y letter with dots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6

Y to the tune of BINGO

There was a letter with lots of dots

Yes Y was the letter

1,3,4,5,6 x 3

Yes Y was the letter!

Z to the tune of When You Wish Upon a Star

When you want to zap a Z

It will tell you what dots it needs

1 and 3 and 5 and 6

That’s all for Z

Braille letter song pin

Here is another article about TVI, Diana and her work: Ideas to Use with our Young Students

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From the Sea Braille Art Design

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Project INSPIRE 2: Mathlete Competition

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