An array of wooden spoons

Ideas and Suggestions 

Matching, sorting, and classification

Comparing items, identifying how they are the same and different, and classifying them all help to lay the foundation for math instruction. Which one is bigger? Smaller? Heavier? Lighter? How are all of these things the same? How are they different? Get ideas to support students in developing beginning analytical skills.

Tips and activities

Do you know how to make graphs accessible?

Graphs and charts can be very challenging for students who are blind or visually impaired, whether they are using tactile graphs or large print graphs. Students with visual impairments must be specifically taught how to interpret tactile graphics in order to succeed in later grades. How can you make different types of graphs accessible?

A boy examines a tactile bar graph.
Sewell E-Z Write N Draw Raise Line Drawing Kit with Clip

Assistive Technology

Strategies for teaching math AT 

Assistive technology tools are essential for math literacy. In order for students to become competent users of AT for math, they must have a strong foundation of knowledge and skills. Cecilia Robinson shares tips for establishing that mathematical base and introducing AT successfully. Do you know strategies and resources for math technology instruction? 


Explore the free, self-paced courses available through Project INSPIRE: Increasing the STEM Potential of Individuals Who Read Braille. These courses are for TVIs, paraprofessionals, those who prepare braille, and others who want to support braille learners.