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Banking Counts: Using APH Materials to Extend a Story

This activity uses materials from APH to help students who are blind or visually impaired to manage their money and learn about banking.

This activity uses materials from APH (American Printing House for the Blind) to extend the story “Babysitting Blues” and to reinforce the story through concrete hands-on experiences.
Goals and Objectives
  1. Demonstrate skills while reading out loud the appropriate level story card.
  2. Demonstrate comprehension of the story by telling or summarizing the story out loud with the use of the lite box and associated story demonstration materials.
  3. Show way-finding skills by plotting route to the bank using Tactile Town.
  4. Name the value of each coin: penny, nickel, dime, quarter and half dollar.
  5. Differentiate each coin by identifying the smoother edges and the bumpy outer edges.
  6. Describe how coins and dollar bills may equal the same amount.
  7. Practice writing a signature using the Signature Guide.
  8. Learn how to open a bank account.
  9. Use the Money Handling and Budgeting Adapted Checkbook to understand how checks are written.
  10. Demonstrate how to endorse a check, by writing signature on the back (from the Money Handling Kit).
Banking counts story

All of the materials in this activity are from APH (American Printing House for the Blind).

  • Tactile Town: 3D O&M Kit
  • Signature Guide
  • Money Handling and Budgeting Adapted Checkbook
  • Money Handling Kit
  • Picture Maker Wheatley Tactile Diagramming Kit
  • Braille Labels

signature guidepractice checkbook

Wheatley tactile diagramming kit







  1. The student will read “The Bank Counts” story card.
  2. The child will read the story card, discuss details from the story and summarize, “The Bank Counts” by role-playing the story using the lite box and lite box story materials.
  3. After setting up Tactile Town, students will give verbal directions using Tactile Town people, stop signs, houses, grass, the pond, the bank, the restaurant and grassy areas and describe the directions to get from one part of Tactile Town to the other.
  4. stacks of penniesUsing a timer, the student will sort pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters within three minutes. 
  5. Practice writing a signature using the Signature Guide.
  6. Write checks using the Money Handling and Budget.
  7. Using the braille labels, place braille inside of a wallet and discuss how to fold one, five, ten and twenty dollar bills. 
  8. Using the Wheatley Tactile Graphing Kit, the instructor and orientation and mobility specialist will map out the inside of a bank.
  9. Discuss why, in most banks, there is a police officer.
  10. Talk about the different roles of the bank employees.
  11. Take a field trip to a bank as a follow-up to the other activities.
  12. Go on a trip to the park: fish, go on a hike and enjoy the day.
  13. Use the Animal and Plant Kit with the lite box and discuss various habitats for fresh water animals and plants.


banking counts collage



Tips and guides

Transformations, Line Symmetry, and Tessellations

APH Braille Ruler
Tips and guides

Linear Measure, Perimeter, and Area

Geometric construction
Tips and guides

Geometric Constructions