This strategy is part of a series on Adapting Worksheets. Please see the introductory post for an overview of adapting worksheets for students who are blind or visually impaired.
Thought Process in Adapting the Worksheet
This is another ideal worksheet as the learning objective is clearly stated. The child should be able to show that they can plan a scientific investigation.
For a sighted child I have demonstrated this sheet using Arial size 48pt. I have also focused on the layout of the sheet. I have provided lined writing spaces and plenty of space to draw. It might be easier for the child to complete the written sections on a computer or laptop rather than writing. I have removed all borders and shapes that made the sheet look cluttered.
For a non-sighted braille user I would braille the questions on a separate sheet or read them to the child and ask them to braille their answers. I would have a selection of scientific equipment available and ask the child to physically select the equipment they would use before making a note of their answer. For a non sighted child I would ask them to tell me what they think would happen to each plant rather than draw their responses. I would ask them to braille out what they think will happen if they are a competent braillist.
Adapting the Worksheet
The original worksheet is on the left and the first page of the adapted worksheet with large print is on the right