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Activity and strategy

Adapting a Graphic Design Project for a Braille Student

Tips to adapt a three-dimensional graphic design project for a student with a visual impairment in an inclusive art class

Art teacher Christina Chicas made this adaptation for my 5th grade braille student.  She is teaching her classes how to follow directions on Tinkercad, which is an online program that helps the students learn to design things in 3-D by manipulating forms in space.  Everything must be based on the same plane, and when they’re done, they will vote on the best designs in each grade and the town library will print them on a 3-D printer.  

Adaptation for a Student with a Visual Impairment

The art teacher used a LEGO kit that was separated by size and color as described in the instructions. The LEGOs are arranged around the desk in “rainbow order.”  It sits on any desk and the student can follow braille step-by-step directions to complete the kit.   I am brailling the name of each LEGO to match with braille directions. 

Young boy holding a bumpy pumpkin outside surrounded by pumpkins

Pumpkin Themed Literacy Ideas

Student accessing the window art activity.
Activity and strategy

Accessible Window Art

Painted wooden red, white, and blue stars
Lessons and materials

Crafting for Independence