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Activity and strategy

Math Counting and Matching File Folder Activity

File folder game using real objects for beginning counting and matching with students who are blind or visually impaired

These supplemental File Folder Activities support activities related to the curriculum for:
  • Math counting 1-10
  • Matching numbers 1-10
  • Reading Nemeth numbers 1-5 
The inspiration for this activity was to provide students with visual impairments and additional disabilities the opportunity to participate in similar activities to their sighted peers.
  • file folder
  • worksheet
  • textured arts and craft jewels or other textured craft supply
  • hot glue
  • glue gun
  • Ziploc bag
  • card board strips
  1. Begin by attaching small objects to the paper, with a matching number of the same object glued on a piece of heavy card board.  Mix up the cards and ask the child to count the items on the file folder and then find a card with the matching object and corresponding number of items.  Start with small quantities (1-5) and slowly increase to 10, as the student is able.

File folder page with counting objects

Counting page from File Folder game


  1. Once the students understand the number concepts, the individual worksheets can also be brailled, as in the examples below.

Braille count and match worksheet

Counting worksheet one to five in braille

  • Utilize Nemeth Code to match the number of objects counted.
  • Match the number with the word.
  • The student can be fully engaged by writing numbers, citing number words, assisting with adding textures for counting.
  • Activities can be created with peers, as well.
  • Students can work together to create a counting story that can be braille, recorded into a communication device, or in other digital formats depending on the goal.
The numbers 1 through 9 shown on a red background

Introducing Numbers: Tips and Tricks

Child's hand sorting candy from Halloween

Sorting Through the Candy Coma

hundred chart with colored columns that fits in a file folder

File Folder Learning for the Blind and Visually Impaired