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Activity and strategy

Introducing Young Children to the Mountbatten Brailler

Tips on introducing the Mountbatter braille writer to young children who are blind or visually impaired

One of my students is learning to produce braille by using the Mountbatten Brailler. His little fingers trip over themselves and his fingers have difficulty staying in place. So I made a tactile representation of the keys of the device. We practice first on the paper before moving on to the device. We practice a couple times on the device before turning it on.

It’s still too early to say how effective it is, but his errors have gone down in the two times we’ve used this method.

Mountbatten keyboard guide
Mountbatten keyboard guide
Mountbatten Brailler
student using Mountbatten keyboard guide
Student using Mountbatten keyboard guide
Collage of using Mountbatten Keyboard Guides with Students Who Are Visually Impaired
Tactile craft with a kite and puffy clouds in the sky
Activity and strategy

Fly High Little Kite

Colored illustration of animals with alphabet letters A, B, C, D
Activity and strategy

Alphabet Objects


Ideas for Teaching Tracking and other Tactile Skills