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Activity and strategy

Celebrating the 100th Day of School

Celebrate the 100th day of school with Kindergarten students with visual impairments, by practicing counting in this accessible math activity.

Many elementary schools celebrate the 100th day of school.  Although the lesson is geared to Kindergarten, it can easily be adapted as a special lesson for K-2 students. In this activity, students will count to 100 and count by 10’s to 100. 

Cover of 100th Day Worries
Cover of 100th Day Worries


  • There are numerous books that make a good literacy link to celebrate the 100th day of school. A small sampling can be found at Scholastic.
  • If you are unable to find a book, YouTube has several read aloud versions of 100th Day Worries by Margery Cuyler
  • A collection of 100.  This can be macaroni,  candy hearts, cheerios, paper clips, etc. This collection can either be supplied by the teacher or ask the student to bring it from home. 
  • Glue


  • Read with the student your choice of 100th Day Celebration books.  (Focus on counting to 100 by counting together when the book allows)Count by 10's mat
  • Using the Count by 10’s mat with the student, count 10 of the collection of 100 items and put them in the circle marked 1-10. 
  • Provided the student is able, they should continue to count out 10 of the collection of 100 items and put them in the remaining circles on the Count by 10’s Mat
  • Once the mat is full, with the student have them count by 10’s to 100. 
  • Have the student repeat independently. 
  • As a final activity have the student arrange and glue the collection of 100 items on the 100 template below. 
Template for 100
Download the template for 100.
Collage of celebrating the 100th day of school


The numbers 1 through 9 shown on a red background

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hundred chart with colored columns that fits in a file folder
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