
Ashcroft’s Programmed Instruction: UEB

This text can be used to teach Unified English Braille (UEB) to teachers and others interested in learning the code.

Newly updated and revised by M. Cay Holbrook and Frances Mary D’Andrea, the “Ashcroft Programmed Instruction: Unified English Braille” textbook is completed and available from the SCALARS website:  

In its previous editions, this book has used at many university teacher preparation programs.  

The publisher states, “Ashcroft’s Programmed Instruction: Unified English Braille (API:UEB) provides an efficient, learn-by-doing way to attain proficiency in braille and to develop confidence in using this valuable medium. The presentation of lessons in this book follows principles of programmed learning. These include realistic learning activities programmed in meaningful and manageable sequential increments and practice and review materials with immediate feedback to assure success and eliminate errors.”